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Karen Swan Christmas 2021

Swan:Karen Swan Christmas 2021
Autor: Karen Swan
Verfügbarkeit: nur noch 3 lieferbar
Veröffentlicht am: 28.10.2021
Artikelnummer: 2404794
ISBN / EAN: 9781529006148

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

12,10 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Clover Phillips is an award-winning documentary-maker who finds success filming pro-surfer Duke Allbrights life following a tragic accident against his bitter rival, Kit Foley. While Foley retains riches and fame in the wake of the controversial incident, Allbrights fortunes nosedive and Clovers film aims to shine a light on a forgotten hero. But when Allbright dies unexpectedly, on the eve of Oscars glory, Clover makes a promise to his widow that she will find justice for Duke and expose Foley for the villain that he is. Foley, having won everything there is to win in the surfing world, has set his sights on snowboarding and is on the brink of going pro. His management see Clovers approach as an opportunity to tell his side of the story while raising his profile in this new community. Foley isnt convinced but his sponsors demand it, and Clover and her team relocate to the Austrian Alps to film his preparation for his debut season. As she shadows him everywhere he goes and interviews everyone in his life, tensions run high as she begins to discover the man behind the myth and the closer she gets, the harder it is to hate him. Can she keep her promise to Dukes family? Or will she step back from destroying the man she loves?


Autor Verlag Macmillan Publishers International
ISBN / EAN 9781529006148 Bindung Taschenbuch

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